Paths Crossed

Oh, hello.

I've lost my way again
Thought I'd finally found the path, once and for all
Really did
It was so clear...and I was running down it
Feeling the breeze blowing through my hair
God, it was great!

And then it was gone
Just gone
I've looked around everywhere for it
I know it has to be here somewhere
Somewhere close
But it's gone

I can't go back
I won't go back
I hate it there
It's dark and scary
And he's there

But what if I never find it
What if he finds me first

Or what if the path turns out to be a circle

No...can't think that...ever

Must be positive

But I'm afraid here
I don't know where to go
Wouldn't be going back
But just standing here?
I should just stand here?

I'm alone, you know
All alone
And it's easy for you to say that I should just wait here and you go on your merry way
down your path
You have...people...on your path

But go ahead
Don't wait for me
You need to go
You have to go

No, wait!!!
Don't leave me
Not just yet
Not here
Stay for just another moment
You can, can't whatever

Maybe you can see my path
Maybe I'm just missing it and it's been there all along
I mean, it was here just a minute least I think it was

It's awfully scary here at night
So dark
You just sort of curl up and try not to think until morning
At least that's what I do...curl up...don't think
The light is so much better
You think a different way in the light
Brighter...sort of

Can you you stay the night?

You can't?

Oh, you have to go?
Or you'll lose your path too?
Of course I understand
No need for both of us to be lost
You go on...go on your must...of course, you must

No, no I'll be alright
My path will probably be right here in the morning
Right where I left it
Same ole path just waiting here for me all along

Yes, it is a little cold, isn't it? No moon
Oh well, lots more stars when there's no moon
Bye. Oh, I will. I'll be careful
Good luck to you too

He sure was nice

Maybe if I went back a little I could...
No, I can't go back
Never go back
Just sit here
Curl up
Try to sleep
That path's bound to be here in the morning

John Kenny
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