It’s all in your head: Beautiful Protector 

By Ijah McCulley

My beautiful protective brain

Thank you, for shifting and taking me away

When I could not cope with what was happening to me.

Thank you, for locking away parts of the hell that they gave to me when I was 3, …4, ……. 7…some pieces when I was 10 and again 12…and again …. again ….

My beautiful protector thank you, for only giving me pieces to understand and confirm.

Some of these pieces come back in a rush of overwhelming fear, shame, guilt, physical pain and some a clouded dream …clip of a nightmare.

Thank you, for accepting and guiding the work we had to do in order to heal.

Thank you, for helping me see that understanding that I was molested, raped, beaten, and neglected was enough and I did not need all the memories to process and to heal.

When they ask do you remember … I say, not all of it…

… and I Thank you for that!


Many of us get stuck in the memories and some get stuck trying to recall the memories. Often we get re-traumatized in this. And some of us disassociate.

Please realize, we can begin healing no matter where our mind is.

Ijah McCulley MSW, LSW, CRS-SA

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