Diana's Healing Message for March

When I think of March I think of spring and spring means rebirth.  I hope for you this month and every month you can find ways to effectuate your very own rebirth.

As victims of trauma we find it difficult to give ourselves the time to heal and fill our needs.  Give yourself permission for this rebirth, like the spring flower in March, and do one unselfish act for yourself be it buying a journal, sitting in the sun or just buying yourself some sunny flowers.

Here are some affirmations to help you with your rebirth.....

·      This year, I choose a path of happiness and wellness.

·      I can clearly see the blessings around me.

·      I nourish my body with clean food to live well.

·      Last year’s mistakes are released; I hold onto only the valuable lessons from them.

·      Powerful changes are happening; I welcome and embrace them.

·      I am capable of conquering the clutter and creating order in my life.

·      Today, I support my body by moving it and growing strong.

·      With passion and joy, I am creating my own future.


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