Diana's Healing Message For June

June is the month we celebrate Father's Day and for many of us our Father or Father figure was not the hero many purport their Fathers to be.

For me, my Father loved me too much.  I don't think what he did to me as a child was punishment but more his own urges, needs and trying  to find love, obviously in all the wrong places.  I lived with that shame until my daughter was 5 and then i sought help.  My husband was also going through his own PTSD Hell reliving his experience from Vietnam and together we found a way to heal and I am happy to say in October we will celebrate 39 years of marriage.  

While my Father was not the hero I wanted I am happy to report that my son is a wonderful Father to my two granddaughters and my son in law is a wonderful father to my two grandsons and my husband has been a perfect father to his children.  We need to find our own blessings in life for if we do not do it no one will do it for us.

This June do not feel you need to celebrate your father but rather celebrate that you survived and can celebrate or not celebrate Father's Day if that is what you choose to do. You are an amazing light in this life and every day you shine it is a miracle.

June brings summer and vacations and that is really what June is all about.  May you get through this month the strong warrior that you are!

Love and Blessings.

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